The Farms
Identity Design

The Farms is a brand that offers a range of natural, fresh, and organic food products that are certified by both the USA and EU.

The new brand mark embodies The Farms’ commitment to delivering premium, fresh, natural, and organic products.

The all-caps and serif letterforms in the new wordmark design exude a modern and premium aesthetic. Notably, the curved arm of the letter “T” and the extended leg of the letter “R” create a subtle yet impactful plant-like element that enhances the mark’s natural and organic appeal.

These design details contribute to a bold and elegant wordmark that can be scaled effectively.

Given the brand’s focus on nature, we opted to derive patterns and colors from natural objects to incorporate into the brand’s visual identity.

The color scheme we chose for the brand reflects elements from nature – dark blue symbolizes the night, yellow represents sunlight and daytime, while dark orange is inspired by sunrises and sunsets. Additionally, we utilized brown to represent soil, blue for water, and green to depict growth and leaves.

Furthermore, the abstract patterns used in the brand’s visual identity draw inspiration from mountains, water, sun, soil, and leaves.

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